Influx: The Synergies Between Colours & Emotions


Influx_Thursday 5th April _ 17_02 .PNG

Project Description

Influx investigates the potentials in further developing non-linguistic and gestural languages to communicate emotions coherently. This subset of languages is based on understanding colour as a potential source for communicating emotions. The purpose of this research project is to help people understand the inadequacies that languages currently exhibit when trying to convey subjective topics like emotions. Hammadullah explores Alberto Cairo’s Visualisation Wheel and Robert Plutchik’s Circumplex Model of Emotions in tangent with each other to form what he calls the ‘Cairo Plutchick - Colour Emotion Synergies.’ This is to deconstruct the relationships that emotions and colours can envelop, in turn suggesting that this partnership can become an additive to language. Taking a visual analytic approach, Hammadullah created a tool for this language to help people reconstruct their emotions in the form of colours.



Hammadullah Syed is a multidisciplinary designer with aptitudes in graphic design, photography, and illustration. Additionally, he also has skills in 3D software, UI/UX, storytelling and narrative, and front-end website development. As a Master’s of Design student at OCAD University, his research bridges the gaps between emotions and colours in order to convey one’s affective expressions clearly.